FREE SynthEdit Modules!

A collection of 31 handy modules packed into a single SEM file

Win (32-bit, 64-bit), Mac (Apple Silicon, Intel)


s All Pass (delay)

Similar to the standard SE Delay2 module, but with added feed-forward path. Useful in the creation of reverberation effects. It diffuses audio signals while maintaining a flat frequency response and prevents reverb from sounding metallic

s Const

Set of GUI constant modules to use with Switch modules

s Delay

Similar to the standard SE Delay2 module. Added Active switch to save CPU when not in use. Enabled variable memory allocation to save memory (standard SE module allocates memory for 10 seconds long delay. That is way too much memory if you’re making chorus effect, which requires a maximum delay of only 20ms)

s Erase (text)

Erases undesired character or string from a GUI text

s File (text)

Loads/saves GUI text. Use Extension pin to create custom extensions for your files. Use browser pins to connect to ED File Browser module

s Filename Split

Splits a file path into its components: path, name, and extension

s Listbox

Upgrade of the standard SE Listbox module. Customizable style, better scrollbar response, and returns selection to the first item on preset category change

s Merge (text)

Merge multiple GUI texts into a single text with the ability to separate items with a custom character/string. Useful for creating lists by adding “, “ between the items or to add a unit label to the value text i.e. “440.0 Hz”

s Monitor (MIDI)

Customizable MIDI monitor with advanced controls

s Popup Menu

Modification of the standard SE Popup Menu module. Outputs the correct choice index from its sub-menus. Added Trigger Mode, which triggers an item and immediately after that returns the menu choice to “-1” (no selection). Useful for triggering from a menu

s Rescale

Good old voltage rescale from input range to desired output range

s Rescale (float)

A GUI version of the Rescale module. Works bi-directionally

s Reset (float)

A Swiss Army knife for GUI floats. Reset float to the desired value from a single click, double click, or spring. Or randomize a value within a custom range

s Saturate

Fast approximation of the Tanh function. Internally oversampled 3 times to reduce aliasing. Useful in the creation of phat, analog-like sound

s Scroll Bar

My take on a scroll bar design for ED Waveform Display

s Song Phase

Outputs song phase in bars. Useful for LFO syncing

s Song Position

Similar to the standard SE BPM Tempo module, but with added Song Position pin. Outputs the current beat number from a DAW. Useful for syncing an LFO to the song position

s To List

This set of modules is useful for collecting various data types and values into a single text list that can be saved to file. The process is bi‑directional – the list can be loaded and parsed into individual values of appropriate data types. Can be used for Sub-Presets

s Unit Delay

Delays audio signal for a single sample. Useful for comparing a current sample with a previous one

s Voice Number

Outputs voice number, similar to the old Voxno module. Useful for Unison mode

FREE SynthEdit Modules!

Win (32-bit, 64-bit), Mac (Apple Silicon, Intel)


SVG Control